Free Zone Features

The OurWorld Digital Free Zone (DFZ) is set up with a collection of features that make it a uniquely innovative and attractive environment for businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals.

Let's explore what sets this free zone apart:

  1. Tax Efficiency:
    • The tax structure, including no capital gains tax and a 5% income tax, incentivizes business activity while promoting sustainability.
  2. Integrated Financial Ecosystem:
    • The ability to connect with multiple financial instruments such as Gold Treasury, debit cards, digital currencies, and global exchanges offers unprecedented financial flexibility.
    • Gold-based accounts and transactions managed on the blockchain ensure both stability and security.
  3. Free Zone Marketplace:
    • An internal marketplace for finding products and services fosters collaboration and commerce within the free zone.
  4. Digital Signatures:
    • Amplifies the convenience, efficiency, and transparency of conducting business in a digital environment.
  5. Contract Management:
    • Managing contracts digitally with AI and blockchain integration, use of digital signatures, templates, and more, streamlines legal procedures and ensures transparency.
  6. Dispute Resolution:
    • A structured and efficient mechanism for resolving disputes within the free zone.
    • Ensures that conflicts are addressed quickly and fairly.
  7. Crowdfunding and Security Token Offerings:
    • Facilitates cost-effective security and token offerings, enabling easier fundraising and co-ownership opportunities.
  8. Legalized DAOs:
    • One of the first environments where Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) can be legally established and operated.
  9. Digital Twin Interface:
    • The DFZ's Digital Twin application provides a centralized interface for accessing all free zone features.
    • Users own 100% of the data and digital capabilities, reinforcing privacy and control.
  10. Integrated Business and Tax Management Tools:
    • Simplified planning, financial tracking, and automatic tax reporting streamline business operations, making management less burdensome.
  11. Globally Connected:
    • Being part of the commonwealth opens up possibilities for global trade and collaboration.
  12. Strong Authentication and Proof of Ownership:
    • Beyond KYC and AML, the DFZ implements rigorous screening to ensure a secure environment free from fraudulent activity.
  13. Flexible Governance Mechanisms:
    • Tailored and digitized governance tools make co-ownership and management highly efficient and transparent.

In conclusion, the OurWorld Digital Free Zone distinguishes itself by merging traditional business structures with groundbreaking digital innovations. Its unique features cater to modern business needs, ensuring security, transparency, flexibility, and efficiency.

By aligning with global standards and embracing future-oriented technologies such as blockchain, digital currencies, and DAOs, it stands as a pioneering hub for business, fostering an ecosystem that is adaptive, resilient, and conducive to growth.